Requirements for Membership
For Partnership at Resonate, you must…
Be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with water.
Give a credible testimony of your faith in Jesus Christ (as shown through the other link in the Partnership docs).
Affirm the Congregational Affirmation of Faith. In short, you must affirm the authority of Scripture, the Triunity of God as expressed in the historic Creeds of the Church, and the deity and humanity of Christ as expressed in the Councils of the early Church.
Make 3 local commitments:
Worship together regularly and serve the community needs of Resonate Church with your time and talents, including our endeavors to care for our neighbors and the broader community.
Give generously to help meet the financial needs of Resonate Church. Resonate Church partners are encouraged to make prayerful commitments towards generosity.Â
Confirm elder appoints and vote for important decisions in the church when called upon.
Partnership Covenant
With God’s help, I will continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers.
- I affirm and accept the authority of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and the Eldership of this church. I commit to learning from them and obeying them.
- I affirm and accept the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Creed of Chalcedon as faithful summaries of what the Bible teaches.
- I accept the partners of Resonate Church and the Church universal as my brothers and sisters, and I will seek regular times of fellowship, accountability, and encouragement with other partners of this church.
- When unmarried, I will pursue godly intimacy within the fellowship of believers and abstain from sexual relations. If married, I will pursue godly intimacy within the fellowship of believers and abstain from sexual relations except within the covenant of marriage.
- I will celebrate communion and participate in corporate worship regularly.
- I affirm that my commitment to the Church universal extends beyond my covenant with Resonate Church. If I move away from this place, I will seek as soon as possible to unite with another local church where I can carry out the spirit of this covenant.
- I will practice regular personal and corporate Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and other spiritual disciplines in pursuit of maturity in Christ.
- I will pray regularly for the Church and her leaders.
With God’s help, I will persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever I fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
- I will earnestly pursue the holiness and righteousness that is fitting for God’s family, as described in Scripture and exemplified in the person of Jesus Christ.
- I will practice the lifelong discipline of confession and repentance.
- I will cultivate a humble and contrite heart; I will forgive others and be forgiven; and, I will seek healing in the form of healing prayer, pastoral care, counseling, or other approaches as necessary.
- I will exercise affectionate care and watchfulness over others in this church family, receiving and giving godly admonition with courage, gentleness, humility, and love as we struggle together against sin.
With God’s help I will proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
- I affirm that the Gospel is for all people in all places.
- I will pursue relationships with people outside the Church; love and serve them; pray for them; speak about Jesus with them; and connect them to the Church.
- I will regularly and sacrificially give financially to support the ministry of this church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel.
- I will pursue excellence in my vocation as one commissioned by God. With God’s help, I will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving my neighbor as myself.
- I will practice the humble and sacrificial attitude of Christ by considering first the needs of others, speaking the truth in love, and guarding against gossip.
- I will invest in the well-being of my city, country, and world through my prayers, labor, time, resources, and gifts.
With God’s help, I will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.
- I will extend the love of Christ to all people I encounter, without exception, and reflect His love in word and deed in every situation.
- I will follow the example of Jesus and the admonition of Scripture by upholding the worth of the materially poor, the outcasts, the imprisoned, the infirm, and the oppressed.