May 7, 2023
Series: Matthew
A look at three quick stories of healings, and what they have in common from… read more
April 30, 2023
Series: Matthew
As we wrap up the sermon on the mount, we look at Jesus\’ final commissioning… read more
April 23, 2023
Series: Matthew
A look at Jesus’ statement about the narrow way of Jesus, and what fruit we… read more
April 16, 2023
Series: Matthew
A look at Jesus’ oft quoted teaching about judging others, and what role do we… read more
April 9, 2023
Series: Stand-Alone
Speaker: Chris Case
Passage: Luke 24:13-31
A look at how we can miss out on all that the resurrection means because… read more
April 2, 2023
A look at the Lord\’s prayer and why Jesus focuses our attention on forgiveness.